Where to Buy CBD in Florida

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Florida CBD Doctors

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of several natural cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant. CBD and other cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to produce many of the beneficial effects that medical marijuana is known for. However, CBD can also be found in hemp, a plant that is part of the Cannabis sativa family, just like marijuana. Although these plants are similar, the quality of CBD products derived from them can vary significantly.

If you are looking to buy CBD products, you should first understand the difference between the two.

How Does Hemp CBD Oil and Marijuana CBD Oil Differ?

Because hemp and marijuana are from the same plant family, they both contain a variety of natural cannabinoids, most notably CBD. These plants still have different genetic makeups, which results in varying levels of cannabinoids between the two. Marijuana has much higher levels of CBD and also contains significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another cannabinoid that is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis use.

Hemp, on the other hand, has less than 0.3% THC. Due to the low concentration of THC in hemp, it can be legally sold and used throughout the country – even where marijuana is illegal. This can be great for those who might be considering CBD products to manage pain or heal the skin, but they may not offer the efficacy that marijuana-derived CBD products can.

Due to a higher concentration of CBD, as well as the inclusion medicinal terpenes and other cannabinoids like THC, marijuana-derived CBD products are typically more effective for a wider range of ailments.

Safety of Hemp CBD Oil vs. Marijuana CBD Oil

The legalization of medical marijuana in Florida and other states, followed by an awareness of the true benefits of CBD, has resulted in a rapidly increasing demand for CBD products. Since hemp-derived CBD is more accessible due to regulations on marijuana products, many industries have focused on hemp-derived CBD production. Unfortunately, hemp doesn’t offer the safety and efficacy of marijuana CBD due to its production process.

Since hemp contains significantly less CBD than marijuana plants, it takes much more hemp to produce the same amount of CBD oil. Researchers at Project CBD explain that this creates a high risk of contamination, as hemp is a “bio-accumulator” that draws toxins from the soil.

Plus, not all hemp used for CBD oil was grown for that purpose:

CBD oil is often a co-product or byproduct of industrial hemp grown primarily for another purpose. Farmers can make additional money if they sell their unused hemp […] The hemp is often tainted with residues of pesticides and toxic solvents that are used to extract the CBD.

Although the laws regarding medical marijuana can be obstacles for patients in need, they also provide strict regulations on the production of marijuana products. This helps to ensure that safe, high-quality products are being made for qualified patients. Hemp-derived CBD does not have the same regulations and is considered a dietary supplement by the FDA. While medical marijuana products are tested and reviewed before selling them to the public, hemp-derived CBD is not.

According to the FDA:

The FDA is not authorized to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed.

This means that you may not be getting the safe, effective product that you are expecting.

In recent years, the FDA has found that some CBD products on the market contained less than the advertised amount of CBD, and in some cases, no CBD whatsoever.

How to Qualify for Marijuana-Derived CBD Oil

In Florida, the only way to gain access to marijuana-derived CBD products is if you qualify for medical marijuana treatment. With the passage of Amendment 2 and Senate Bill 8A, Florida has provided an outline for the conditions that qualify a patient for treatment as well as the approved uses of medical marijuana.

Some of these conditions include:

In addition to the conditions above, Florida medical marijuana doctors may also recommend medical marijuana for the treatment of other “diagnosable, debilitating conditions of like, kind, or class.” This can include conditions such as chronic nonmalignant pain, terminal conditions, and anxiety.

If you suffer from one of these conditions, the first step is to visit a certified medical cannabis physician. One of these doctors will review your eligibility for treatment, and will then be able to provide you with the state-required recommendation for medical marijuana.

Over the following weeks, the state will review this recommendation before allowing you to officially register for medical marijuana treatment. Once you are registered, you will receive a state-issued medical marijuana card that you can use to purchase medication from medical marijuana treatment centers (MMTCs).

Where to Buy Marijuana CBD Oil in Florida

There are a number of convenient Florida MMTC locations. To find the closest dispensary, please consider using a free location service – such as WeedMaps – or visiting each MMTC’s website (as new locations are frequently added).

Authorized dispensaries are listed below:

AltMed (MÜV)

Phone: (813) 489-5032

Columbia Care Florida

Phone: (800) 714-9215


Phone: (877) 303-0741


Phone: (863) 223-8882


Phone: (407) 693-0490

Knox Medical

Phone: (888) 441-5669

Liberty Health Sciences

Phone: (833) 254-4877


Phone: (786) 540-4910


Phone: (850) 391-5455


Phone: (844) 878-5438


Phone: (800) 977-1686

Tyler McMurray

Tyler is a professional writer specializing in medical cannabis and alternative health reporting.
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